2 478 Consulates and Embassies in 177 Countries

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Embassy of South Africa in Sofia
Sofia . Sofia . Bulgaria
Consulate of Mozambique in Monaco
Monte Carlo . Provença-Alpes-Côte d'Azur . Monaco
French Embassy in Stockholm
Estocolmo . Stockholm county . Sweden
Consulate General of Angola in Johannesburg
Joanesburgo . Gauteng . South Africa
Consulate of Brazil in New Orleans
New Orleans . Luisiana . USA
Embassy of Ireland in Bucharest
Bucareste . Bucareste . Romania
Consulado de Portugal em Recife
Recife . Pernambuco . Brazil
Embassy of Sweden in Vienna
Viena . Vienna (state) . Austria
Embassy of Luxembourg in Vatican
Roma . Lazio . Italy
Consulate of Guinea Bissau in Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires . Buenos Aires Capital . Argentina
Embassy of Greece in Helsinki
Helsínquia . Southern Finland . Finland
Embassy of Italy in Luanda
Luanda . Luanda . Angola
Embassy of the United Kingdom in Santiago
Las Condes . Região Metropolitana . Chile
Consulado de España en Lima Perú
San Isidro . Lima . Peru
Consulate of Brazil in Brisbane
Brisbane . Queensland . Australia
Consulate of Brazil in Oranjestad
Oranjestad . Aruba . Aruba

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